Registration & Abstract

Registration Fees* Until August 15th After August 15th
¥2,800 (CNY)
$380 (USD)
¥4,000 (CNY)
$550 (USD)
ILS Members
¥2,000 (CNY)
$280 (USD)
¥3,200 (CNY)
$440 (USD)
¥1,600 (CNY)
$220 (USD)
¥2,400 (CNY)
$330 (USD)
Student ILS Members
¥1,200 (CNY)
$150 (USD)
¥2,000 (CNY)
$280 (USD)

Please visit the conference registration system with the buttons below. You will be asked to register  an yiyum accout to mange the registration, payment, and abstract submission process. Please use the CNY system if you are in mainland China, and use the USD system if you are in the rest of the world. 

ILS Members: Please login to your account at and retrieve your discount count from your User Profile.

*The fees are calculated in Chinese Yuan (CNY) or U.S. Dollar (USD). Settlement is based on real-time exchange rates. Real-time exchage rate could be found on